Ilk. medial voiceless stops, nasals and [ɣ] became [s] before [s]; [{ptknŋɣ}s] > [ss]

Ilk. medial voiceless stops, nasals and [ɣ] became [s] before [s]; [{ptknŋɣ}s] > [ss]

For voiceless stops, this rule can be deduced from examples in The Etymologies: ᴹ✶tupsē > Ilk. tuss (Ety/TUP), ᴹ✶taksē > Ilk. tass (Ety/TAK) and ᴹ√NAT > [natsē >] Dor. nass (Ety/NAT), the last example implied by its cognate ᴹQ. natse. For the nasals and [ɣ], the rule is described in Tolkien’s late notes on the development of Beleriandic [Ilkorin] ʒ and ñ, where he stated that “medial ñs > ns > ss; ʒs > ss” (PE18/104), though there are no attested examples of these changes. The development of [ms] is unclear, but it may have become [ss] as well.


Phonetic Rule Elements

[ps] > [ss]
[ts] > [ss]
[ks] > [ss]
[ns] > [ss]
[ŋs] > [ss]
[ɣs] > [ss]

Phonetic Rule Examples

takse > tasse ks > ss ᴹ✶taksē > Ilk. tass ✧ Ety/TAK
apsa > assa ps > ss ᴹ√AP > Ilk. ass ✧ Ety/AP
tupse > tusse ps > ss ᴹ✶tupsē > Ilk. tuss ✧ Ety/TUP
natse > nasse ts > ss ᴹ√NAT > Dor. nass ✧ Ety/NAT