✶Ad. [i]

✶Ad. [i]
The primitive vowel [i] remained unchanged in Classical Adûnaic except as part of the diphthongs [ai] and [ēi], both of which became [ē] (SD/422-3).

References ✧ SD/422, 424


Element In

Phonetic Development

Ad. adjacent like vowels contract and lengthen ii > ī ✧ SD/424 ([ii] > [ī])
Ad. glide consonant [w] or [j] was inserted between [u] or [i] and a following distinct vowel iøV > ijV ✧ SD/424 (ī̆-ā̆,ī̆-ū̆ > ī̆yā̆,ī̆yū̆)