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ᴹQ. tea n. “straight line, road” (Category: Line)

ᴹQ. tëa, 1R`C n. “straight line, ⚠️road” (Category: Line)
ᴱQ. filma “fine hair, line”
ᴱQ. tëa¹ “straight”

A word in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “straight line, road” under the root ᴹ√TEÑ “line, direction” (Ety/TEÑ).

Neo-Quenya: For purpose of Neo-Quenya I assume its primary meaning is a simple straight line, and it is used for “road” only metaphorically, further implying that the road is straight.

Reference ✧ Ety/TEÑ ✧ “straight line, road”


Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√TEÑ > tea [tega] > [teɣa] > [tea] ✧ Ety/TEÑ