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ᴺQ. !(sir)ritwa [þ] n. “make-up, (lit.) substance for adding finishing touches” (Category: Beautiful)

ᴺQ. !(sir)ritwa [þ], n. “make-up, (lit.) substance for adding finishing touches” [created by Luinyelle] (Category: Beautiful)

A neologism for “make-up” coined by Luinyelle posted on 2024-08-14 in the Vinyë Lambengolmor Discord Server (VLDS), derived from a combination of √STIR “face”, √SRIT “complete a work” and the instrumental suffix ✶-mā. Its full form is sirritwa, which may be shortened to ritwa.


*√STIR “face”
SRIT “to complete a work or design”
-mā “instrumental suffix”