AT. [ln] became [ll]; [ln] > [ll]

AT. [ln] became [ll]; [ln] > [ll]

The clearest examples of the sound change [ln] > [ll] appear in Old Noldorin, such as ᴹ✶khalnā́ > ON. khalla (Ety/KHAL²) or ᴹ✶skelnā > ON. skhella (Ety/SKEL). There are examples in Sindarin as well: ✶melnā > S. mell (PE17/41). A note in Outline of Phonology from the 1950s attributes this change to Telerin:

rn, rm, lm all remained intact [in Quenya] and were favored groups; but ln became ld (T. ll) (PE19/100).

Given that this change took place in Old Noldorin and at a later conceptual stage seemed to be shared by Sindarin and Telerin, it seems likely this phonetic development occurred in the Ancient Telerin period. An identical change occurred at a similarly ancient period in Welsh, between PIE and Proto Celtic (WGHC/§99iii).

Conceptual Development: Given ln combinations in Gnomish such as G. ulna-, it seems unlikely this phonetic change was part of the earliest versions of the language.

Neo-Sindarin: Since [ln] > [ll] was such an ancient change, I assume it is no longer an active sound change in modern Sindarin and I further assume ln is a licit combination in modern (Neo) Sindarin compounds like ᴺS. alnad and ᴺS. molnel. By comparison, [ln] > [ll] occurred in Proto Celtic, but [ln] is a licit combination in modern Welsh compounds. However, there are no attested examples of ln in the Sindarin/Noldorin corpus.

Reference ✧ PE19/100

Phonetic Rule Elements

[ln] > [ll] ✧ PE19/100 (ln > ll)

Phonetic Rule Examples

kʰolnina > kʰollina ln > ll KHOL > S. hollen ✧ PE17/98
melnā > mellā ln > ll melnā > S. mell ✧ PE17/41

ON. [ln] became [ll]; [ln] > [ll]

GS/§4.48 @@@

Phonetic Rule Elements

[ln] > [ll]

Phonetic Rule Examples

kʰalnā > kʰallā ln > ll ᴹ✶khalnā́ > ON. khalla ✧ Ety/KHAL²
ndulna > ndulla ln > ll ᴹ✶ndulna > N. doll ✧ Ety/DUL
skalnā > skallā ln > ll ᴹ✶skalnā > ON. skhalla ✧ Ety/SKAL¹
skelnā > skellā ln > ll ᴹ✶skelnā > ON. skhella ✧ Ety/SKEL