Ilkorin/Doriathrin Names

Many of the names in the Silmarillion drafts from the 1930s are actually Ilkorin or Doriathrin, some so designated in the main text and others indicated in The Etymologies.

Adurant loc.ado + rant
Argador loc. “[Land] Outside the Fence”argad + dôr
Ariador loc. “Land Outside”
Aros loc.arn + *-os
Ascar loc.ascar
Balthor pn. “Vala-king” ⇐ ᴹ√BAL + tôr
Beleg m. “Strong”bel
Belthronding pn.bel + thrôn + ding
Brilthor loc. “Glittering Torrent”bril + ᴹ√THOR(ON)
Brithombar loc. “*Brithon-home”Brithon + *bar
Brithon loc. “Pebbly”brithon
Celon loc.celon
Dairon m.dair + *-on
Denithor m. “Saviour of the Dani”
**Dilion loc.
Dimbar loc. “*Sad Home”dem + *bar
Dior m. “Successor”
Dol Dúghol loc. ⇐ *dol + durgul?
Dolmed loc. “Wet Head” ⇐ *dol + mêd
Dorthonion loc. “Land of Pines”dôr + thôn (genitive plural)
Duilwen loc.duil + gwene
Êd f. “Rest”
Eglador loc. “Land of the Elves”Egla + dôr
Eglamar loc. “Elvenhome”Egla + *bar
Eglor loc. “Elf-river”Egla + ?
Eglorest loc.Eglor + rest
Elbereth m. “*Valor Star”el + bereth
Elboron m. “*Steadfast Star”el + boron
Elrond m. “Vault of Heaven”el + rond
Elvrûn m.el + ᴹ√BOR(ON)
Ermabuin m. “One-handed” ⇐ *er + mâb + *-en
Esgalduin loc. “River under Veil”esgal + duin
Esgaroth loc. “Reedlake”esgar² + ?
Garthurian loc. “Fenced Realm, Hidden Realm”garth + thúren
Goldamir pn. “Silmaril, *(lit.) Noldo-jewel”(n)gold (genitive) + *mîr
Grûm m.
Hirilorn loc. “*Tree of the Lady” ⇐ *hiril + orn
Legolin loc.legol + ?
Lindon loc. “Musical Land” ⇐ S. lind¹ + ?
Lómendor loc.lómen + dôr
Lóminorthin loc. “Echoing Mountains”lómen + orth (plural)
Lúthien f. “Enchantress”luth + *-ien
Mablosgen m. “Empty-handed”mâb + *losgen
Mablost m. “Empty-handed”mâb + *lost
Mabluin m. “Pale-hand”mâb + lûn
Mablung m. “Heavy-hand”mâb + lung
Melian f.
Menegroth loc. “Thousand Caves” ⇐ #meneg + rôth
mir(nang)eluið pn. ⇐ *mîr + ? + ?
Nan-Dairon loc. “*Valley of Dairon”nand + Dairon
Nan Dungorthin loc. “Vale of Black Horror”nand + dunn + ngorthin
Nauglamír pn. “Necklace of the Dwarves”naugol (genitive) + *mîr
Neldoreth loc.neldor + ?
Nivrim loc. “West-march”nivon + rîm
Nivrost loc. “West Vale, West-dales”nivon + rost
Orgof m.
Radhrim loc. “East-march”radhon + rîm
Radhrost loc. “East Vale”radhon + rost
Region loc. “*Hollin” ⇐ #reg (genitive plural)
Regornion loc. “Hollin”regorn (genitive plural)
Taiglin loc. “Deep-pool”taig + line
Thalos loc. “Torrent”thalos
Thind m.thind
Thingol m. “*Grey-wise”thind + (n)gôl
Thorntor m. “King of Eagles”thorn + tôr
Thuringwethil f. “(Woman of) Secret Shadow”thúren + gwath + *-il
Tor Thingol pn. “King Thingol”tôr + Thingol
Torthurnion m. “King of Eagles”tôr + thorn (genitive plural)
Tor Tinduma pn. “King of Twilight”tôr + tindum (genitive)
Uduvon loc.
Umboth Muilin loc. “Twilight Meres, Veiled Pool”umboth + muilin
Urthin Gwethion loc. “*Mountains of Shadow”orth (plural) + gwath (genitive plural)