Early Primitive Elvish Semantic Categories

1. Physical World

1.85 to Burn, Scorch

?RASA root. “toast”

2. Mankind

2.41 Son

*VO(NO) root. “son”
*YO(NO) root.

3. Animals

4. Body Parts and Functions

4.492 Penis

wiqē n.

5. Food and Drink

6. Clothing and Adornment

7. Dwelling and Furniture

8. Agriculture and Vegetation

9. Physical Acts and Materials

9.38 Broom

?SWEKE root. “broom”

9.81 to Carve

*THASA root. “shave”

10. Motion and Transportation

10.48 to Come

LEHE¹ root. “come, be sent, approach”

11. Possession and Trade

12. Spatial Relations

13. Quantity and Number

14. Time

15. Sense Perception

16. Emotion

17. Mind and Thought

18. Language and Music

19. Social Relations

20. Warfare and Hunting

21. Law and Judgment

22. Religion and Beliefs

23. Grammar